The Single Best Way To Take Care Of Your Joints

It’s going tibia-kay. I got your back.

Mia Lazarewicz
In Fitness And In Health
7 min readOct 1, 2022


An adorable skeleton sits on a ledge with a red cap on, tying their red high-top converse sneakers
You give me femur.

When I was 12 years old, I shattered my right arm into a million pieces while doing gymnastics. I had to be in a cast to my shoulder for three months; significantly longer than a broken bone normally requires. There were lots of complications — dislocations, slipping pieces, pins and screws — but ultimately I made it…



Mia Lazarewicz
In Fitness And In Health

NSCA-CPT, CSCS, American Ninja Warrior, gymnast, author, Gryffindor. Follow me on IG and Twitter @thebossiraptor, and at my website